Friday, October 24, 2014

New Beasts: Rise of the Beasts Tentatively Set for November 15 Release
Since their reveal a few years ago, people have been asking "So did those Rise of the Beasts figures ever get made?" The answer is yes - this Kickstarter update shows the production thus far, and puts forth a tentative November 15 release date in the Little Rubber Guys store.

The figures transitioned from just another figure line to a Glyos-compatible series with the requisite recolors.   They're also quite cheap - $4 per unpainted figure (black, gold, flesh) or $7 per painted figure (1 of each style).  So that's 8 figures you can buy. 

More surprisingly - agonizingly so - are four bonus painted mail-in redemption figures.  Buy 10 figures, submit 10 special stickers, and get a random figure.  One is pictured here - they're pretty frustratingly gorgeous and I hope they consider selling them outright, because I'd pay for a set.

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