In early 2012 it seemed as if Battle Beasts
were really, actually going to make a comeback so I decided it was time
to finish up my set. I hadn't picked up any new ones since 1988 or
1989, so I was off to eBay to buy a few comically oversized collections,
which quickly and surprisingly cheaply finished up the collection minus
a couple of weapons and Pillager Pig here, who just plain didn't
show up on eBay for quite some time. Most of the figures cost me $3 or
$4, this one was closer to $8. I figured, what the heck, I wanted to
finish up my rubsign beast set and this was it! It was also my main
motivation for buying the figure - I already had all the ones I wanted,
and a few I didn't mind having, which is a weird thing that happens to
me (and others) when buying some older toy lines. You got what you
wanted - and then you decide to go ahead and buy the rest.
If you were one of the first people to the Diamond Select Toys booth each day at Comic-Con this year, Shadow Merk
could be yours for free. (Also, if you went to the right parties,
maybe you got one there too with a side of chicken wings.) Last year
we were treated to about a dozen flavors of Vorin, and this year we're
getting polybagged Merks. Interestingly, the figure seems to hold
together better than the painted counterpart and looks really good - I think it even made me like the previous versions more. It's a rising tide raising all the other ships.